The International Committee of the Red Cross issued special postcards for correspondence in all the belligerent countries. Sender and recipient wrote their messages on the same card; the contents of the letter were limited to family matters and had to be expressed in no more than 25 words. It took months for the reply to such a card to arrive—if it arrived at all—and the reply did not always reflect the situation as it really was.
Correspondence via the Red Cross
Letters sent during the holocouast via the Red Cross
To: Sanio Tannenbaum, Tel Yitzhak, Palestine
"In response to your question of May 8,
1940, about F. Tannenbaum, [...] his exact
address is[...]: S. Tannenbaum,
9439 Stalag VIII A, Germany"
To: Baruch Jampel at Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak (of Hanoar Hazioni), Palestine
"We’re all in good health, working!
Missing you. Kisses…"
To: Mischa Kolodny, Tel Aviv, via the Red Cross in Romania
"We’re all well [...] Where are Koka, Abba, Chaim, the children? How’s the economic situation? How is everyone? I don’t have a job but I’m busy."
To: Chaim Szlojme Gefilhaus, Dęblin, Lublin District, Poland
"I’m feeling great and so are the brothers
and sisters [...] What’s happening with you? Answer us at once.
Blumka is finally finishing school."
To: Chaim Milsztein, Giv'at ha-Ma'apililm, Herzliya
"I’m alive, working, dreaming only about you. I don’t know about Hance and others.
Is Usyel with you? Heartfelt best wishes…"
To: Abraham Bystric (Father), Mother, Jolan, Nandi, and Izák, in Spiš N. Ves, Slovakia
"We’re all OK. Sara’s in school,
Esti and the family are on the kibbutz.
How are you?
Write to us the same way that we did."
To: Esti, Benny, Nurit, and Sara, in Jerusalem
"We’re all together in town, at 4 Kollástrasse. [...] We’re all well. It’s just that I’m busy. Please don’t worry about us. I received the box from you."
To: Nomi Wachockier, Warsaw
"My dear one! I’m finishing my first year of studies. [...] I’ve been corresponding with Abraham and I also see him quite often.
I miss you. Write to Dad."
To: His family in Salonika, Greece
"Left for unknown destination."
To: Ferenio
"Ferenio! I’m alive; the rest of the family perished. [...] Do you know anything about Uri and his brothers? For the time being, I’m living in Poznan."