About Us
Massuah, International Institute for Holocaust Studies, designed to evoke discourse on the significance of the Holocaust in our contemporary society and culture.
Massuah comprises a central school, permanent exhibitions, multimedia centers, archives, conference halls, dormitories, and an amphitheater.
Throughout the year the Grossman School provides seminars for tens of thousands young people including high school students units of the Israel Defense Forces, the security services, and domestic and foreign organizations. The seminars are in various languages including Hebrew, English, Spanish, Polish and Russia.
An official national ceremony on the eve of the Remembrance Day is held yearly in Massuah’s amphitheater and a memorial assembly for the diplomatic corps in Israel on the eve of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th.
Since its’ foundation, in 1965, Massuah has seen in the educational work the main means of commemorating the Holocaust. Its goal is to bring young people from Israel and around the world to a dialogue with the memory of the Holocaust.